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Running Springs

updated 10/5/23


This is a mountain community nestled in the the San Bernardino Mountains. It is located off of 18 and 330 with access to Lake Arrowhead, Arrowbear, Green Valley Lake, and Big Bear, and closest community to Snow Valley Mountain Resort with an elevation of 6,030 feet. There is no primary industry, yet it has service industries focused more to the tourist market. It also has the summer camp, Pali Adventures, which is an outdoor education program known as Pali Institute.

Along with Green Valley Lake & Arrowbear, it is a bedroom community for commuters employed the cities down the mountain and prefer to live away from the smog and pollution.

Running Springs is a member community of the Rim of the World, an inhabited stretch of the San Bernardino National Forest. The Rim (as it is locally known) extends from Crestline to Big Bear, a distance of some 30 miles.

Demographics; estimated population [2023] 3,998; overall crime grade is C [see details below for more information]; 75% white; 12% Hispanic; 3% African American; Asian 2%; Other 7%; M:F [50:50%]; 66% own their homes; average family size is 3; 20% high school grad; 38% some college; 35% college degrees; $32K average earnings; 95% speak English only; median income per household $60K; 50% married; 7% widowed; 19% divorced; 21% never married.

Logging began in the region in 1890 and was called “Hunsaker Flats”. Immigrants moving to orange groves of Redlands needed the logging industry for box crates and building lumber from the San Bernardino Mountains. The Highland Lumber Company, which later became the Bookings Lumber Company did most of the logging from Running Springs to Green Valley Lake. They used to transport logs to the mill located in what is now Fredalba and Smiley Park, south of Running Springs. Lumber was hauled down the “City Creek Toll Road,” which later named Highway 330.

After logging died down in the 1920s, property investors began purchasing land for subdivisions for vacation properties and camps. As the population in the cities below grew, San Bernardino Mountains became a destination for recreation and year-round living.

“Come and discover the majesty of the Running Springs Area, the “Gateway to the San Bernardino’s!"

Specific Prayer Points | Video

  • Spiritual: Spirit of repentance fall upon the believers and unbelievers, repent and turn to God and experience transformed lives by the Gospel; healing, deliverance from bondages,

  • City Council: San Bernardino County

  • Schools: Charles Hoffman Elementary in Running Springs, Rim of the Word High School, and Mary Putnam Henck Intermediate School, in Lake Arrowhead.

  • Crime Statistics: A crime occurs every 2 days 10 hours (on average) overall crime is B+; violent crime is C; property crime is B+ and other crime is B+; top crime issues are vandalism 9%; burglary 5%..

  • Poverty Rate: 18.9%

  • Points of Interest: Visitor's Guide; Keller Peak, Exploration Trail; Little Green Valley trail; National Children's Forest to Slide Peak, areas for Mountain Biking,

Churches [not exhaustive]

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